Our basic methodology is based on researching information from books, newspapers, individuals, periodicals, and the Internet. We decided to use the following connective technologies to assist us in our collaboration and knowledge sharing:
- Google Groups is used as a virtual meeting room. This tool is extremely useful because team members work and have families. A virtual meeting room allows us to "meet' and discuss topics even though the participants are separated by scheduling difficulties. It is its own meeting minutes taker. And, unlike email, responses in this tool are directly linked to the parent topic so they are read in context.
- Google Talk (not as good as some other such tools due to lack of a conferencing feature) is used to "talk" when we are not able to use voice communications.
- Blogger is used for us to draft our report jointly so that we could minimize content overlaps and so that we could visualize the appearance of our final report as it is being developed. Additionally, we hoped that this Connective Era blog will be a "living document" that may be used by Professor Lipman-Blumen's future students and by guests to track the future progress of leadership development in the Connective Era.
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