..What individuals should consider and become a level 5 leader in a Connective Era
It is important that individuals find ways of developing their own competencies in order to be ready for leadership roles as defined by today's leaders. It is also equally important to look within yourself and identify ways to become a Level 5 leader. This will give an individual the competitive edge to becoming a successful leader for the future.
Know where you are and where you need to go:
In order to make changes, an individual must know the current behavior and what the desired behaviors are. Some organizations make available to leaders 360 degree feedback surveys to show areas of strengths and weaknesses. These types of instruments, when administered and discussed properly can be beneficial. However, in most organizations, the instruments are delivered without a strategy for action planning and support to make changes. The organization is often not clear on what desired behavior should be. Also, if an individual is not prepared to receive the feedback as neutral information, they can become defensive and justify their current action without making new behavior changes. Other ways one can get information about current behavior is through a colleague or mentor. Find an individual who is trustworthy and can provide worthwhile insights on your current behavior patterns and the impact on others. Regardless of how one is receiving the information, it is important to prepare for the different range of responses and how others perceive you as the leader. Do your own research to discover other attributes that may be missing. Consider using multiple assessments with different elements to determine your current level. Once the current behaviors are clear, the new behaviors goals will need to be set.
Examine your attitude:
Once you figure out the gap to the new leadership behavior, you should examine the willingness or desire to change. If the desire is not present, no sustainable change will occur. The emotional aspect will make a difference on whether or not you can become a Connective or a Level 5 leader. If the desire is present, you will look for opportunities to try the new skills. If not, you will find excuses not to participate. A positive change can only come from the inside.
Get help and feedback on a regular basis:
Another gap in making changes is the lack of support and reinforcement of new behaviors. If the leader moves to the next stage and decides to try new skills, a strong system must be in place to sustain the change. The support system could be made up of mentors, colleagues, bosses or even the direct report. The role of these individuals is to give feedback. Level 5 leaders show humility and honesty about what they don't know and increase their relationship with others.
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